Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ironman Week 3 Notes

Summary of the Gathering:

Start off by thinking, "The best way to change behavior is _____________?"

Video Clip: Friday Night Lights – “My heart is full” Billy Bob Thornton with the team in the locker room before the final game.

Facts about the Heart:

  • It’s right in the center of your chest.
  • Your heart will beat 100K times a day/35 million times a year
  • The largest arteries in the body is the size of a garden hose
  • Capillaries (10 of them = the thickness of human hair)
  • Body has 5.6 liters of blood it will circulate through your body 3 times every minute
  • Pumps more than a million barrels of blood during the average lifetime (enough to fill more than 3 oil tankers)
  • Number 1 disease in the world = Heart Disease
  • There are 1000 verses in the scripture based on the heart

Read Mark 7

Background – Hebrews believed that the heart summarized the interior of a person. It’s where everything came together.

Iceberg analogy –

10% is seen above the surface – But it gets 90% attention from others (Our appearance)

90% is below the surface – But it gets only 10% attention from others (Our heart)

What does God want from us:

Myth – He wants us to be good.

Truth – He wants our heart.

The Torah (the Law of the Jews) had the Mishnah (the oral tradition) which had the Tohorotha (the oral tradition written down) which had 200 rules about washing hands. If you didn’t wash your hands you were in bad shape. This was focused on the 10%.

Jesus clarifies that it’s not what goes into a man that makes him unclean, it’s what comes out. This is focused on the 90%. Nothing is private for very long. Because the 90% affects the 10%.

Reference: Luke 6:43-46

You and I will always sin internally before we sin externally. Our life is run by our core, our heart.

Proverbs 4:23 – Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life.

Answer to the first question: Through your heart.


  1. Dude! Fantastic job grabbing notes!!! I shared the link with my wife. Thanks for doing this!

  2. I have been impacted by this session. I have discovered that what I don't like about my behavior is due to a heart that is not working properly.
    Often, I find myself in turmoil with my family, my co-workers and even myself. I try to "fix" my behavior, but I usually go back to the same actions.
    But if I can change my heart, and understand that what I "AM" dictates what I "DO" then I think I can make myself and others around me happier.
    I have been asking God to help me with this, and he is providing tools such as this Ironmen series.

  3. The beauty of the New Covenant is that God does not fix our wounded / broken/ dirty hearts. Instead he REPLACES them. (See Ezekiel 11:19).

    I cannot change my heart. What I can do is to understand that truest, deepest thing about me is that I have the heart and mind of our Lord. As I increasingly learn to trust Him and to rest in Him, I am changed increasingly into what I already am.
